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Dengue Mauritius 2022

World Health Organization: Mauritius Steps Up Dengue Control Efforts Amidst Outbreaks

WCO Mauritius Mobilizes to Tackle Dengue Vector

In response to the recent surge in dengue cases across the Western Pacific region and the ongoing outbreak in Mauritius, the World Health Organization (WHO) Mauritius has mobilized efforts to augment the country's efforts to tackle the dengue vector.

Urgent Action Amidst Regional Threat

As of 2023, 171,991 dengue cases have been reported in the region, resulting in 753 deaths. Mauritius has also been affected, with dengue fever being considered a year-round threat, particularly during the high-risk period from February to March.

Collaboration for Effective Response

In June 2023, following the sudden outbreak of dengue fever in Mauritius, the NCD-HP Unit seized the opportunity to collaborate with the WHO and other partners to implement comprehensive control measures.

Essential Information on Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Symptoms can range from mild fever and headache to severe complications, including hemorrhagic fever and multi-organ failure.

Current Situation and Control Measures

As of the latest report, there are 557 active cases of dengue fever in Mauritius, with 239 hospitalized patients exhibiting severe dengue. Tragically, three deaths have been attributed to the outbreak.
